Matchington Mansion cheats languages Korean
Languages: Traditional Chinese; genre: Puzzle; publish date: 2017-10-11; Firecraft Studios Ltd; 90544 Review; 324,71 Megabytes; notice: Overall I have been enjoying the game, but the levels are getting too hard. I know what needs to happen to clear a level, but I don’t get the right pieces to do it. I’m on day five for trying to beat my current level - and it’s getting too frustrating. I playing many of these types of games, and I’ve played them a long time and reached really high levels. but I don’t see getting to do that with the amount of times it takes to beat a level. Using the extra bombs and tools rarely helps the way you need it b3cause you can’t choose when to add it to your game, so it gets wasted. Please give more moves so I can keep playing, or I don’t see me staying much longer.
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